Level 1 | Teaser

Announces a new product movie without providing any specs or details.

Distribution: Direct Mailing, Landing-Page

Level 2 | Appetizer

Introduces an advertising film and the emotional story behind your product. Shortest Cut-Down of the extended.

Distribution: Social Media

Level 3 | Extended

Roof of the campaign. Here with Disney as an additional top-of-mind brand.

Distribution: Events, Landing-Page, (Social Media)

Level 4 | Standard

Main spot of the campaign. Cut-Down of the extended version.

Distribution: Events, Landing-Page, (Social Media)

Level 5 | Social Media

Social Media clip of the campaign. Cut-Down of the extended version.

Distribution: Social Media

Level 6 | Features

Clear reference to the campaign as a product movie with focus on key features.

Distribution: Landing-Page, POS, Social Media
