Level 1 | Teaser

Level 1 | Teaser

Announces a new product movie without providing any specs or details. Distribution: Direct Mailing, Landing-Page

Level 2 | Appetizer

Level 2 | Appetizer

ntroduces an advertising film and the emotional story behind your product. Shortest Cut- Down of the extended version
Distribution: Social Media

Level 3 | Extended

Level 3 | Extended

Dachspot der Kampagne. Hier mit Disney als zusätzlicher Top-Of-Mind Marke.
Distribution: Events, Landing-Page, (Social Media)

Level 4 | Standard

Level 4 | Standard

Hauptspot der Kampagne. Cut-Down der Extended Version.
Distribution: Events, Landing-Page, (Social Media)

Level 5 | Social Media

Level 5 | Social Media

Social Media Spot der Kampagne. Cut-Down der Extended Version.
Distribution: Social Media

Level 6 | Features

Level 6 | Features

Klarer Kampagnenbezug, aber Produktfilm mit Fokus auf Key-Features.
Distribution: Landing-Page, POS, Social Media